Friday, July 22, 2005

Uncommitted Member

I confess, I've broken, sold out and given up. The blog world, has finally sucked me in, so there's noting more to do but give a little update.

Just north of the ATL is where you can find me since my recent departure (due to graduation) from "Union dearest Union". I spend my days enjoying life and all its mystery, but mainly working. Yes, working while actively pursuing employment in my passion, an $80,000 passion. A fellow co-worker asked me the other day, "Well, when are you expecting a return on your investment?" to which I replied, "Any day now."

Don't get me wrong, this summer has been no gravy train on a big pile of mashed potatoes. It's an adjustment coming home but everyday I realize, in many ways, it's also a blessing.

I will leave you with this. God indeed works in mysterious and wonderful ways. Monday on my drive to work I said a little prayer. This is an often occurrence given many mornings I can almost hear my parents singing "surely the presence of the Lord is in this place" with a strong emphasis on surely (almost to the point of asking). So, I prayed that God would just remind me of how blessed I am.

The reminder came via phone. No, it was not the voice of God but instead a customer. He called work and in his high-society-Georgia accent asked how I was doing, to which I of course replied, "I'm doing well, how are you?" Then it came...he said to me, "Well, I was doing well until I found out that my pacemaker has been recalled." I said, "Are you serious? Stay away from microwaves." High-society-Georgia accent then said, "Oh, you think I'm kidding but I'm not. There's been a manufacturing mishap and I was told they can fix it by reprogramming it. It was at this point I realized, you know my life really isn't all that bad.


Blogger Heather said...

I am more than excited that the 'blog world' has finally sucked you in. You are so talented with many God-given abilities - and I can't wait to see how He uses you. Thanks for sharing, and keep writing :)

2:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have no idea what a "blogger" is but I must say this is the best one(only one) I have ever seen!

10:41 AM  

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