Monday, May 22, 2006

Revived, Back from the Dead...The Blog is Alive or at Least Gasping for Air

I realize it's been a while and due to the hateful messages from A-Dub, and others I've decided to update. Everything is still going really well here in D.C. I still can't believe I'm here, it really does continue to be a dream come true. There are some updates in my life. On May 15 I started my new job at the Department of Homeland Security. I'm really looking forward to it. It will be a lot different than job at Commerce, but I think it's going to be a great opportunity to learn. I'm confident I won't be bored in the new position at all. I'll be working for the Secretary's Counselors. I've been so blessed to work with the amazing people at Commerce, I will miss seeing them everyday, but I'm also very excited about the new opportunities God is going to bring at Homeland. Jodie and I had the priviledge of attending the wedding of one of our friends from college (Heather Hagood), she was a roommate freshman year and we promised to stay in touch just so we could get a glimpse of the amazing shindig last weekend (there might've been a couple of other reasons for staying in touch as well). It was great! We had such a good time, or at least I had a good time and if you read Jodie's blog (complete with pictures that can also be seen on Heather's blog) then I can surmise that Jodie had a good time as well. The wedding was great and the reception was something out of a movie. Jodie and I along with all of the other bridesmaids discussed how it just wasn't fair that Heather got married first because the rest of us will never be able to live up to a reception quite like that one. We danced (for those Unionites danced is another word for choreography), ate and had an awesome time. Heather and Paul are both amazing people! I'm confident God will use the Bruces :) to impact many people's lives. My parents are in town this week and it has been so good spending time with them the past couple of days. I refuse to make promises I cannot keep, but I am going to try to update more often and post some pictures in the coming days.