An Update
You can clearly see based on the date of the last post that it has been a while since I've posted an update. The last year has been a year of growth. I changed jobs. My family welcomed a new person into the world and found yet again a baby is always a blessing. My mother was diagnosed with, fought and beat breast cancer! We learned even in the most unpredictable of situations God is still in control and will continue to give you what you need to make it through each day. I traveled to Vietnam (oh my days in 'Nam) and China yet learned what Dorthy has been telling us for years, "There's no place like home," is true. In the last week after learning via text message (thanks Jade) that Union had been struck by a tornado and then watching the television reports I learned that God is faithful and when the people of God act as they should and show love to one another John 13:35 is proven true.
I've heard life described before as a series of snapshots shaping who you become. I haven't decided if I actually agree with that or not, but I do think there are instances in our lives that get us to a crossroads (of sorts). It's an opportunity to live out our lives in worship of the Almighty or to reject him completely. It is becoming abundantly clear to me that the last year has been a time where I have clung to what Louie Giglio says in his book The Air I Breathe, "If all you ever know about God is what you know right now, you still know enough to praise Him forever." There are days in all of our lives when we simply do not think things could be worse...sometimes that's true. My friends and I have always tried to play the "What would make this worse" seems to help, it also tends to get outrageous.
My thoughts and prayers are with the Union University community. I am pulling for another tornado T-shirt to come out of this.
"When we can't tell what God is up to, and we can't see Him working around in our circumstances, we can still praise Him simply for who we know Him to be. Even if our circumstances don't reveal it, God is still all of who He is. No matter what life sends our way, we focus our attention on Him. He's still God." - The Air I Breathe, Louie Giglio
I've heard life described before as a series of snapshots shaping who you become. I haven't decided if I actually agree with that or not, but I do think there are instances in our lives that get us to a crossroads (of sorts). It's an opportunity to live out our lives in worship of the Almighty or to reject him completely. It is becoming abundantly clear to me that the last year has been a time where I have clung to what Louie Giglio says in his book The Air I Breathe, "If all you ever know about God is what you know right now, you still know enough to praise Him forever." There are days in all of our lives when we simply do not think things could be worse...sometimes that's true. My friends and I have always tried to play the "What would make this worse" seems to help, it also tends to get outrageous.
My thoughts and prayers are with the Union University community. I am pulling for another tornado T-shirt to come out of this.
"When we can't tell what God is up to, and we can't see Him working around in our circumstances, we can still praise Him simply for who we know Him to be. Even if our circumstances don't reveal it, God is still all of who He is. No matter what life sends our way, we focus our attention on Him. He's still God." - The Air I Breathe, Louie Giglio
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