Sunday, July 09, 2006

Pack Lightly

As if I couldn't be any more naturally tan, I decided to go lay by the pool today. Before leaving the apartment I wanted to make sure I was amply prepared. Having returned from this little "adventure" though I think I was preparing for an impending hostage situation. Perhaps it wasn't necessary to take two bottles of water, one would've been enough...two books were certainly not necessary (and to think I actually thought more of myself for leaving the third on my nightstand), yet again one would've been quite enough. I definitely did not need the portable DVD player with three unwatched episodes of Gimore Girls either given I also had two CD's to listen to. So, while both CD's were used, one bottle of water drunk, some pretzels and pineapple eaten I think it's safe to say I was a bit overprepared. While reading my book about terrorism and totalitarianism (interesting irony considering I was laying by a pool you have to be a member to come to) I found myself thinking, "Why can't I listen to a CD, read a book and watch a DVD all at the same time? I mean, I have all of them here with me now." This pool adventure isn't solely focused on me though. There is a lifeguard at our pool. Jodie and I have discussed that we don't particularly like the fact there is a lifeguard there. While I am aware you can drown in less than two inches of water...the deepest the pool gets is 4 ft 6 inches (yes it is printed that way). I also don't know what I think about people who sign up for a job where their sole duty is to stare at half-dressed soaking wet people...strange or do I feel sorry for them...can't decide. No one had to worry about our lifeguard making too many lingering glances in their direction though. For the majority of the time I was down there he was passing the time by SLEEPING!!!! That's right, this alleged protector was sleeping away while two children were swimming away in the pool. I would like to note, I do not believe all lifeguards are like this and I do believe lifeguards can be useful in crisis pool situations. If you have been a lifeguard, know someone who is or have ever been saved by a lifeguard do not take my comments do a noble job protecting people in the water.