Friday, August 05, 2005

Wildcat Country

Currently I am residing in the great land of Kentucky, Morganfield to be exact. As many of you know, Jodie (my college roommate) just arrived home on Sunday from a summer doing Centrifuge. I had the privilege (mainly by asking) of going with her parents to pick her up. She had a great time (but now that she's back you can get updates from her directly, her cell number is....just kidding, this is the internet).

I always look forward to coming to this small (very small...did I mention it is small?) corner of the world. Sleep is only required because our days are so action packed with television watching, movie going and eating (oh you definitely eat at the Curtis').

One of the highlights of this trip is that we celebrated Jodie's birthday yesterday. Yes, she's 22. You people don't really realize the suffering I face from December to August. While I am only a few months older than Jodie, she reminds me throughout every month. Comments like, "I'm a spring chicken," to which I respond, "You're more like a spring rat," come at least once a month. So, I live for these next four (or so) months until the cycle of age sarcasm resumes.

Oh, the celebration. Well, Tuesday we went to dinner with Jodie's family and the neighbor ("the grazer") who frequents the Curtis house in search of food when his wife leaves him with Lean Cuisines. (His wife was gone again.) Yesterday though, we were found having little to no sense of moderation (for any of you who've had the privilege of living with us I know this comes as no surprise). First, we both got our hair cut. It worked out better for some than for others but is not horrible at all.

After the haircutting mishap (of sorts) we headed for the movies. For those of you unfamiliar with Morganfield (basically everyone) you must drive at least 30 minutes to see a movie, but typically 45. We did the 45 trip. Evansville, Indiana was our home for most of the day yesterday. We saw four movies (yes I did say four). Between the hours of 11:50 am to 9:30 pm (with the exception of commuting time and a brief stop at Olive Garden for lunch where I did indeed have them sing to Jodie in spite of the fact we were the only two there) we were in the theater. The playlist included Must Love Dogs, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Madagascar and Batman Begins. All were good, however, the highlight of Madagascar was the fact that we took the cake from Olive Garden in hidden in Jodie's purse and ate it with plastic ware from the Garden.

Upon arrival to Jodie's house we enjoyed what was left of her birthday cake (half was given to the neighbors and her brother, who'd already left) and Jodie opened presents. The gift opening was a bit different given her parents didn't so much have her anything so they wrapped things from around the house. Yes, a picture of a deer that her dad won at some golf tournament (not too much of a prize if you ask me), stationary that her mom received for doing a shower and a candle from the "re-gift" drawer that had a tag hanging off that said "thank you". (I would like to note at this point that gifts were received from friends and she will be going shopping with her parents for her birthday.)

Today we are headed for another adventure. The Pasta House at the mall in Paducah is apparently calling our name (although the voice sounds strangely like Kari Barnhart's...people love seeing their full name on the internet).

A brief update: the wait is still on in the job/internship market, I'll let you know as soon as I hear anything.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you guys are having fun in KY and indulging in movie overload!! I love that you smuggled cake into the theater... man, you guys are rebels!

5:50 PM  
Blogger Heather said...

only you and jodie...

8:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I second Laney's response!

7:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will mourn you and jodie not being at union next year :) just thought you should know...

12:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i forgot to put my name :) -cara yates :) haha- silly girl am i

12:19 PM  

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