Thursday, December 29, 2005

It's an Update, Short, but Still an Update!

I realize I've completely fallen short on these posts as of late so I will give you a brief synopsis of what's gone on in the last months.

The Department decided I'd somehow proven myself enough to warrant a trip with the Secretary, or they thought it would be nice to get me out of the office for a few days. So, I boarded the plane and off I went to Atlanta...Yes, to the home city. The trip went well, that is of course if you don't count my setting off that alarm at the Atlanta airport.

I celebrated my 23rd birthday. While I didn't have high expectations for this event, due to the many calls, emails and my amazing roommate it was really awesome. Although 23 does seem a lot older than 22, I'm living with it and enjoying my 23rd year. We went to dinner, looked at the tacky Christmas lights around town, ate cake and I opened gifts. Good times had by all, but I'm the only one who mattered, j/k.

December 21st I again boarded the plane and headed for Atlanta. This time I was going home for Christmas. It was a good time, I enjoyed a 4 and 1/2 hour lunch with friends, was harassed by friends and family and enjoyed the holidays. I returned to the apartment to open more gifts and am now awaiting the arrival of Anna White (don't you just love your name being plastered across the internet). She will be here for the New Year and we are attempting to make it a good time.

I will make some attempt (maybe) at making my next post more fun and timely, hope you have enjoyed the update and that you have a happy and sober New Year!

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Have a Holly Jolly Christmas

I hope each of you is enjoying the holiday season and spreading cheer throughout the land. I look forward to hearing about all your Christmas celebrations. I pray you experience the joy of the Father this season and that you do not fall into a diabetic coma due to increased snack food intake. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!

Thursday, December 15, 2005

What's it like to be paid?

I thought my previous boss's prediction was going to become my reality and I was going to be forced to turn in my black pants and boots for a black apron. I thought I would have to exchange my ID badge (well the temporary one has been confiscated) for a name tag and drinking coffee for serving coffee. But, the prayers have been answered and I have a job...Yes, one that pays.

For some reason the office I've interned in has decided to keep me around for a while longer and add me to the payroll. On January 3rd I will go into the U.S. Department of Commerce Advance Office for the Secretary, continue the job I've been doing only my name will be on the payroll. I'm very excited about this and will send out my business cards as soon as I get one. For now the back apron will simply have to wait and as for mixing drinks, Koolaid will have to suffice for the time being.

I know you realize this is probably a gross underexageration and if you want the full story then give me a call.