Sunday, February 05, 2006

GPS Please

I consider myself to be an okay driver...Not amazing but okay nonetheless. I believe I have a good sense of direction...At least I used to believe I had a good sense of direction. To say I'm in need of a GPS system is a gross understatement. I should really schedule at least twice as much time as mapquest suggest to get to a location. This time will help factor in all the time I will simply drive around lost. It's becoming a rarity that I will leave the apartment and not get lost.

My roommate, who grew up in a town about as large as our apartment complex, has no problem finding her way around this booming metropolis. However, the girl who grew up in the fastest growing county in the nation just outside of one of the south's largest cities has no idea how to navigate her way around this place. It's funny really. I think it proves God has a sense of humor...Anything to make me humble.

I wish all of you happy driving and hope you are able to find your way. We all know I'll be searching.

Not Sure How I Did This, but...

This post doesn't have anything insightful to share. There are no funny or embarrassing stories found, these are a just couple of the cool things I got to do this week.

Wednesday morning, the day after the State of the Union, I was able to go see the President and First Lady depart from the South Lawn on Marine One!!!! It was awesome, windy, but awesome!

Thursday morning I attended the National Prayer Breakfast. It was great. Although I sat with the White House Press Pool, I did not take any pictures...It was amazing!

Oh, I almost forgot to mention, I also met Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice backstage as I was leaving!

I don't think I can say enough that I feel very blessed to be here, to have these opportunities and am excited about the future God has for me.