Tuesday, August 16, 2005

When the summer's through...

So, I've decided one post about every eleven days isn't so bad.

"Don't you just love New York in the Fall." I do...well at least I like Lawrenceville (or wherever I'm residing) in the fall. Jackets, hoodies, long-sleeves...I love them all! The good news is it's almost upon us.

One of the best things about the fall is school supplies. I know, this probably makes me a "certified dork" in the words of Justin Belsly, but so does having a blog (also words of Belz). It's true though...what other time of the year can you get a box of Crayola markers for 38 cents or (as is celebrated in the great state of Georgia) enjoy Tax Free Weekend? That's right my out-of-state friends....tax free meaning no sales tax.

(Sorry Tennessee friends. If tax free came to your state the entire economy would crumble...but hey at least you don't have to pay state tax...right? Yeah, I know you're still bitter that you pay the equivalent of a tithe to the church every time you buy People Magazine or a bottle of Coke. )

Tax Free Weekend is such a big deal here in the ATL that "live team coverage" is required on radio and television stations. (It's okay to laugh audibly, I did when I heard it on the radio.) Apparently people in Georgia don't realize this is only about 6% off given the item you're purchasing is not actually on sale.

This year though has not served to bring the same "Back to School Savings" I've enjoyed in the past. Much of this is due to the fact that I am not actually going back to school. It's true, for the first time in 17 years I will not make my pilgrimage to a classroom, instead I will fight through traffic every morning, make my way to good old T & L (work...for those of you unfamiliar with my current place of employment) and enjoy (my new addiction) two cups of coffee. Although, I am basically addicted to the chocolate flavored creamer used in my coffee (I'm okay with admitting it, although I refuse to seek help...I can quit any time I want). Yes friends, I enjoy the true half and half...that being half a cup of coffee with half a cup of chocolate creamer....So, I will amend my previous comment...I have one cup of coffee and one cup of creamer. This fall I will also await the arrival of "a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils" just to usher in the great season! (I think that's a pretty good hint for any of you desperately searching for something to send me.)

Those of you in love with summer can hold on to it for a couple of more weeks while the rest of us press on and fight the good fight until tank tops are replaced by hoodies and I can finally justify (based on weather conditions) to my friend's mom (I won't embarrass her by plastering her name across the internet) wearing the jean jacket I've worn all summer.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Bouquets of sharpened pencils." Nice touch for a web page, given that the woman who says that was practically a neo-Luddite. Love the movie, though; probably my favorite ever.

You are so lucky. You could be dead.

8:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with Dr. Thomas...it is a wonderful movie. Very Quotable as well.

"When I get out of here, I'm going to have my eyes lasered...Whaaat?"

3:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh, becky. how i miss you! i know i owe you a phone call. be expecting one!!

3:17 PM  

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