Wednesday, August 24, 2005

A Day That Will Live in Infamy...

When I applied for a summer internship at the White House (oh, by the way for those of you who don't know, I applied for a summer internship at the White House in March) I never dreamed it would be such a complicated process (meeting with heads of state, dinners at the WH, coffee with the are they crazy...oh and sleep-overs in the Lincoln Bedroom...all I gotta say is it was all OUT OF CONTROL...and all of you thought I was just working at home). The whole process of looking for a job/internship has been a difficult one (and one I will have to resume in just a month or two, but I've gotten ahead of myself).

A brief (well kind of, really it could be longer) synopsis of the torrid affair:

In April I realized it's difficult to get a position if the people offering them have not actually received your application (some sort of faxing mishap), so I was forced to reapply for the internship (now insert fall for summer in the first line). Months July I have a phone interview with the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives...just one month passes this time. While in Kentucky I received a call from The White House Drug Policy Office, the Drug Czar if you will. Brooke, an actual paid employee, asked if I would be interested in interning for their office. I explained the situation and then contacted the OFBCI.

Christopher, an actual paid OFBCI employee, responds to my email by saying that although he enjoyed talking with me and looking over my application all their internship positions were filled. Needless to say, I called Brooke back. On the 8th we do an "informal" interview over the phone and the waiting begins again...although at this point I see just how applicable the words Drug Czar are in everyday conversation (example: "Hey, how's it going?" Me-"Well, I'm good the White House called me today, yeah the Drug Czar's office..."...on Wednesday I receive a call from Annie at the Department of Commerce asking if I am interested in filing out their internship application...sure, what else do I have to's completed Sunday. Monday I hear from Brooke again. She explains that they really like me in her office and are really interested in having me intern with them...writing opinion editorials, doing research and promoting their prevention programs...and they "will find a place for me in their office."

Word is now spread across this great land that the possibility is greater (often times possibility is left out and emphatic responses are given) that I will indeed move to Washington D.C. in the coming weeks and begin working for the Bush Administration (White House is again used in everyday conversation). Then, around 1:29PM today I receive a call (it was a message left on my phone) from Brooke, Drug Czar girl, who informs me that they "are having some issues with their internship program...and all the positions are seemingly full at the time". For about an hour and a half I just kind am in a bit of shock at my hopes and dreams are dashed. Then, the sounds of "Springtime" begin to ring through my cell's Annie...after asking me about my involvement in College Republicans (shout out to Sutton) she offers me the position in the Advancement Office for the Secretary of Commerce!!! Yeah.

Basically, the Secretary's domestic and international travel is in my hands now. I will begin after Labor Day. On the drive home from work I just screamed with excitement. Then, considered pulling over and jumping around on the side of the road only to remember that other cars were around me and could harm my person.

While it's not my dream job (anything with the word "unpaid" before it fails to qualify) it's pretty close to it, and above all else I know it's a miracle of God...Heather-He parted the sea again!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

YEEHAW! Is that collegiate enough for you? Can I come and visit? (I know that NO ONE else has asked to come!) Congratulations young lady!

8:23 AM  
Blogger Heather said...

This is what I see...You - with your MP3...walking to work in the early a.m. - listening to what else?? GWB...GWB...GWB...

Enough said. It doesn't go outside the circle of trust :)


8:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I'm so happy for you! This will be so exciting ... and thanks for the shout out!!!

9:02 AM  

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