Monday, March 13, 2006

TV Doesn't Lie

While some of you believe I am Jack Bauer
of 24, others of you know I wouldn't be
able to tell you if I was...There are then
the few who do realize that while my job
is really cool and I get the opportunity
to do things that most 23 year olds would
never dream of being possible (myself
included), there are days that I want
nothing more than to run home to
Lawrenceville or to my friends scattered
around the world...days when all I want
is to be around the familiar. Those days
are often the hardest because the
realization hits that I can't jump on a
flight home or to wherever because eating
and having a place to live are necessities.
It's the days when everything goes wrong
on a trip with the Secretary and there's
nothing I can do to change it, or the days
I find out I didn't get the job I really
wanted and feel as if my dream is crushed.
It's those days I pray God will remind me
of my purpose in being here...He's always
faithful to do so. It's those days I have
to remind myself of days like today. I'm
not going to lie, on the metro ride this
morning Jodie (my roommate for those of
you who've been living in a cave for the
past 6 months, I do not speak openly with
other metro riders) and I discussed how
much we really did not want to go to work
today. Today the bitterness toward work
attendance seemed exceptionally strong.
The main issue with my morning was that
I woke up early, yes VERY early, over one
hour early. That's right at 5:30 AM this
morning I was wide awake. I personally
believe waking up too early is much worse
than waking up late-go with me on this.
If you wake up late you can just run and
get ready but if you wake up too early you
just lay there, staring at the clock,
wanting to go back to sleep but can't....oh
it's worse. So, that was how the day
started. I got to work and was invited by
one of my friends at work to go see the
President's speech at George Washington
University on the war in Iraq. Her friend
was the lead advance, yes it is good to have
friends in high places who will get you in
to cool events, and could get us into the
speech. So, we went to the speech and were
seated directly in front of the cameras,
three rows away from the podium, just to the
right of Secretary Rumsfeld. The speech was
great and I loved just being there. But,
after the speech ended my friend told me to
go to the rope line. Unfortunately there was
a 95 year old man separating me from the
front of the line, so I shoved him out of
the way...okay so no I did not do that at
all. I did; however, wait my turn and shake
the President's hand while he thanked me for
coming and I thanked him for all he does. So,
it was pretty amazing! Today at work Jodie
witnessed the event while watching none other
than FOX News!!! It's true, it was on
television. You know I don't know what's
going to happen tomorrow, but who knew I'd
meet the President today? One of my favorite
authors/speakers often prays that God's people
would dream dreams that are as big as God is,
I'm glad that on some level it's just not
possible. His plans are so much greater than
our own and because of that I can't imagine
what I'll do tomorrow.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm constantly reminding myself that His plans are bigger than our's what get's me through the day sometimes. Other's hearing that one of my best and truest friends in the world had a dream of her own happen that makes me have faith in the bigger plan as well. I am so thrilled for you and love you very much!

11:33 PM  
Blogger Heather said...

I must concur with Ashley. What an opportunity. I couldn't help but wander back in my mind's eye to the dorm ... ohhhh ... not that long ago when rapping of this GWB was about as close as any of were getting :) I am so thankful for all you are experiencing right now and know that even on the bad days and the-everything-is-going-wrong-get-me-out-of-dc-days, God has a plan, and has known since the beginning where He was going to use you.

Always remember - those that dream big ... live it. Thanks for allowing all of us to see just that.

10:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your post touched my heart and made my eyes cross! Get a bigger font! Peace Out Rabbit!

12:10 PM  

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