Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Run in and Right Out

Today I departed on what seemed to be an uneventful journey. Yes, a journey to the grocery store. Kroger became my Mecca after I realized swiss cheese was a much needed ingredient in the roll-ups I was making. So, I threw on some flip-flops and off I went (yes still in the blue sweats I slept in...for those of you passing judgment, you've been out of college too long). There was the fleeting thought of "What if I see someone I know?" but it was quickly dismissed as I entered the store.

After getting my groceries, (mainly just swiss cheese) I was drawn to it...the crane machine in the Kroger lobby, any of you who visited the dorm would know that this is not an abnormal occurrence, you saw the shelf-o-crane machine toys. So, I eyed my target (the stuffed Kaiser race car), inserted my quarters and grabbed it...yes I actually grabbed the car, along with some other strange looking stuffed animal-girl thing. The car dropped and did what only true crane machine fans can really understand...the car blocked the hole. So, I proceeded to insert two more quarters in the machine in an effort to knock both the car and the new toy down. Well, it didn't work.

At this point I proceeded to do what any good, upstanding, intelligent individual would do....yes ladies and gentlemen (all three of you still reading), I began beating on the machine. This was never a good idea....every year eight people die in vending machine accidents...AND, as I'm beating I look to the left to see a familiar face....a man my family used to go to church with is passing by and I'm thinking well maybe he won't recognize me. Of course he recognizes me, I look just like I did in kindergarten (just a few inches taller). We had a lovely chat and I left as quickly as possible. I think it's important to remember, you never know who's watching.


Blogger Heather said...

Alas...and I am once again reminded that 'some things never change...'

2:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You poor thing. One of the great things about going to college at Ohio State was the anonymity (however you spell it). You could waste your money on Ms. Pac-Man and nobody embarassing would ever know. (I would never do a crane machine, those are for tall kindergarteners.)

8:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ha ha. everytime i pass the crane game at don panchos, i think of you and jodie fondly.

12:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ohh man gotta love the crance game!! I mean those are some great prizes.... Hey let me know your address when you get a chance.

8:21 PM  

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