Monday, November 07, 2005

Roaming Among Us, Oh They Are

I was under the understanding I do not live in a place of scary. I was confident law abiding citizens were the only people inhabiting the apartments around mine. I was wrong...tonight I matter where you go, how much you try to hide and how deep into suburbia you venture...the crazies will find you. Crazies are indeed among us, or at least they were until the police hauled them off.

I arrived home today from campaigning for the govenor's race here in Virginia only to find my apartment complex surrounded by police (the presence of every officer in the city was felt)...yes complete with police line and everything. Then I had a couple of thoughts, "Do I live in Baltimore?...Isn't this the reason I'm not living in the District?"

After further investigation (talking with police officers, roaming around the complex and finding an unmarked police car with the radio still on) I figured out the cause of this calling in of the Calvary, bullet-proof vests, requiring TONS of back-up, locking people out of their homes, police surrounding.

Threats of suicide, hostage holdings and claims of having bombs and grenades basically sum up the need for the police presence at the apartments. The "suspect" (AKA "crazy") was eventually apprehended and hauled off to who knows where (away, that's enough for me). I was eventually allowed back into my apartment after finding out "crazy" was violating the law four buildings down. Suburbia is now back to normal...quiet and safe with one less crazy roaming among us. I also found this to be a good opportunity to bond with the neighbors while discussing the crazy neighbor.


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