Saturday, October 01, 2005

Trash Day

So, there's something I feel I need to share...don't be frightened this is not some sort of dive into the depths of my soul or a bitter/sorrowful testimonial. Alright, don't get me wrong, I LOVE our new apartment, it is amazing! However, there is one place we (Jodie and I) do not love...the trash compactor or what we've come to call, the vortex of nastiness. We put off venturing to the vortex of nastiness until it's absolutely necessary. So, while we will accept monetary donations you bring when you visit, you simply taking out the trash will suffice. We're working on a toss and run system where we get the least amount of exposure, but we're up for suggestions.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think yours is the only blog I take the time to read. You are hilarious! I'm waiting on your novel about your life in D.C. Of course, since Jodie is now part of the fun, it will definitely be a bestseller. Have a great day!

8:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well. This has some serious potential as a blog topic. I only know our kitchen trash compacter, which can easily be avoided, if need be. Explain, please, this vortex of nastiness, this Scylla and Charybdis (sp?) that you are caught between.

8:36 AM  
Blogger Heather said...

Paul was reading your blog last night ... and we laughed out loud about "Cuba" --> and then Paul said he would be glad to take the trash out when we came for a visit...I'm glad he volunteered - I won't go near it with a 10 foot pole, I have my own vortex of nastiness to contend with. Gotta love apartment life.

9:21 AM  

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