Friday, September 16, 2005

Fair and Balanced

Most of you already know this but I wanted to post an update anyway. Jodie (my roommate from college, O-Town Girl, the tall one with the hair of "that tall girl with the hair and the short one that walks with her", the same girl from a town of about 45 people and has aspirations of one day playing Rizzo...yeah that girl) well she just got a job with the Fox station here in D.C. So, she's moving here next week and we are going to be living together once again!!!! Score! I mean this is crazy! We look forward to your visits and hope that you don't mind sleeping around all the workout equiptment at the YMCA, or sharing a cot with Earl at the homeless shelter given that's probably where we'll be living.


Blogger Heather said...

YMCA...Earl? Forget that - I'm canceling our plane tickets immediately!

On second thought ... I think I can handle anything ... I mean - I lived with both of you for one year of my life, didn't I???

Side note: I hope D.C. is prepared for this one~

10:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, i repeat, i'm totally visiting you two in shanty-town!

11:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SWEETNESS, I wanna come to visit!!!

4:20 PM  

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