Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Just Another Day

So, I've had a lot of first days. At least 16 first days of school, innumerable first days of work at T&L, one first day driving (probably not the best of the firsts), but none can compare to my first day at the Department of Commerce. Below, a brief (well, kind of) summary of the days events.

Upon arrival I was escorted to the Office of Advancement (my new work-for-free home) by the White House liaison (Annie, we've met her before in a previous post). From there I was briefed on what the office does. After being in the office only an hour and one half the Deputy Director of Advancement, Tom, asked if I wanted to go to an event the Secretary was having...I said no and just sat around in the office until they told me I could go home...kidding, I mean are you cruisazy?

We (well, mainly Tom) hailed a cab and made our way to the Omni Hotel where the secretary was scheduled to meet with some students who were being honored and give a speech. Basically, the highlights are that I met the secretary, joked with his bodyguard (who's from Stone Mtn...yeah laser show!!!) and met the chief of staff. Oh, but there was definitely no way we could return in a cab...that would be ridiculous, I mean there were two suburbans parked out back that just needed passengers...I mean they already had drivers...so we hitched a ride back to the commerce building in the secretary's motorcade.

While the ride in the motorcade was indeed one of the scariest rides of my life...imagine riding in something where it's the driver's job to tailgate the car in front of him...I'd like to nominate a couple of my readers (assuming there are a couple of you still out there) to this position. There was some confusion on first entering the vehicle because apparently the secretary wanted to drive through Starbucks, but he changed his mind and we returned, went in through the gate and back to the office.

Upon arrival to the office I received a new email address for the Department of Commerce, an office (yes an actual office, I'm not pretending this time), voicemail and tomorrow I will receive a Blackberry and security passes. All I have to say is, "Crazy!" Honestly, it was as if every moment was another miracle occurring...now, I'm pretty sure last week I was watching old Full House re-runs.

Now, I don't want to fool you, today was not without its mishaps. I did get lost in the building for a while after getting lunch in the cafeteria (yeah, goodbye to Aramark...Union and the State Department are missing out BIG). I had to call Annie so she could tell me where to go. But, all is well and the best part is they've invited me back for tomorrow!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh my!! you are living out your dream!! was it just a month ago that we were stressing and praying for something to work out- even a job mowing grass at the white house- anything to get you to d.c.- and just look at you! i'm so proud- and i'm so excited for you. i've been having cell phone troubles- and i really want to talk to you- you may have called- who knows- in the world of verizon- you always take a chance! PLEASE let's talk soon- this is way too cool!! i love you!!

8:08 AM  
Blogger Heather said...

Ms. Johnson goes to Washington and conquers it - before long ... We will all be driving around with a big fat white J - in a black box - and at the bottom in small letters 'For President' ... So happy for you!!! Live it up :)

8:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you don't want your Blackberry can I have it? :)

8:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i heard about your drive in the BMW!! pretty soon they'll give you one of those babies. ha ha. i am so coming to visit you in shanty-town.

9:40 PM  

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